Halo v.s. Farcry: Which Is Better When It Comes To Map Editor?
So storyline is an important thing. But what about when you've beaten the game on all levels of difficulty and found all the secret objects. That's why there is multiplayer. Farcry takes it to a whole new level. Create multiplayer maps from scratch. And ladies and gentlemen, when I say from scratch, I mean from scratch. Terrain, structures, mounted weapons, spawn points, zip lines, ladders, flags, weapons, vehicles, health, upgrades, plants, time of day, and even fog.
Halo 3 was given a map editor of its own. However, all you could change was weapon, vehichle, obstacle, and upgrade placement. The only thing you could do that you couldn't do on Farcry was change the angle at which the weapon was placed. On Farcry you can only rotate the object on one plane. And then there was movie making which was a huge point scorer. But the only problem was, It wasn't a map editor. You did'nt have aenough space to get really creative except on Sandtrap, Avalanche, and Foundry. In Farcry you have more vehicles and you have access to all of them whenever you make a map. Farcry doesn't set the amount of restrictions that Halo 3 does. In order to have the best map editor, you need the least possible restrictions.
"A New Kind Of Radio"
Click on the link to visit Pandora.com
This is "Through the Fire and Flames" by the prog metal band, Dragonforce. Pretty complex bridgework from the sound of it, but I really don't know anything about guitars to be honest.
-Raptor Out
Legendary Map Pack

This is "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by the band Aerosmith. The song is one of my personal favorites because it was used in the Micheal Bay film: Armegeddon. And we all know what a scifi nerd I am. Any way it is a great song. Still working on making it so that my viewers can down load these songs from my blog.
Raptor out
Download this Mp3 File from www.Bionicle.com
Not my Work but is still awesome
More to come from me
I will try to figure out to make it able to down load from here but until then...all I can give you are URLs.
The Sims 3
The Sims games are popular amongst people of both sexes and all ages. This new chapter in Sims history shall bring about a revolution that many of us have been waiting for. In the Sims 2 our sims were confined to their houses unless the player was willing to load into another lot. Can anybody say that that doesn't get annoying after a while? In the Sims 3, the player will be able to guide their sims through the neighborhood just by walking out the door. Yes people, the game is about to get more realistic. The details are still a bit unmapped, but it is also certain that the creating of user created sims is also about to get an upgrade.
Now for the bad news. There is also a negative about there being a new game. Now we have to not only buy the new game and possibly be forced to upgrade to Vista, but we will have to buy a whole new set of expansion packs. And this will probably happen every three to four years or so.
Overall I believe that the pros overcome the cons in this case. So I will probably end up going to get this one, and if it sucks then it's back to The Sims 2.

Linguam Latinam Doceo
Interested in learning the language of the greatest civilization in human history. Which civilization is that? Rome of course. I will be setting up a new blog soon where I shall post lessons weekly. This is an offer you won't want to decline.
Out Of My Head
About half the time someone is a jerk, they aren't that way to every one. For instance there is this girl that I know who makes my life miserable. To me, she is a jerk. However, to others, she is pretty nice. I guess it can be compared to the way gangs work. yet in this case, it's the prissies agaist the nerds. It can get pretty hostile.
Transformers: 2007

The Touch

This is for all you Transformers Fans out there. It seemed only appropriate when I found this online to post it on my blog.



Just as I promised, here is the format to find any episode of the G1 Transformers series. use the format in this link to find any G1 episode.
Also, for a comlete guide to the episodes of the G1 Series, check out. http://www.tfarchive.com/cartoons/
Goff Course Comes To You

I am also a huge Tolkein and Micheal Crighton fan. I actually collect books by both authors. For Crighton I have read Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Congo, Sphere, and I am reading Timeline. I am also a HUGE fan of Jurassic Park. It is the BEST movie ever made. I have all three of them on DVD. Steven Speilberg is my favorite Director. My favorite actors are Harrison Ford, Jeff Goldblume, and Bruce Willis. Big fan of Preditor, Matrix, Terminator, and Die Hard. Live Free Die Hard, from what I was able to stomach, tainted the name of Die Hard.
I am also a big Transformers fan. i do have to admit that i do not really own but a few. Overall I favor the G1 series from the 80's. all of these can be found at youtube. I will eventually publish the link for the person who posts the episodes so that you can find all the G1 episodes with no hassel.
My Blog will have posts about all these things and more. So come on into the Raptor Nest.