Well, I'll say one thing in general about the Heroic and Legendary Map packs for Halo 3. They make map editing a whole lot more fun. The images above are from the Legendary map pack. However if any body wants me to I will post some pictures from the Heroic Map Pack. Any way the Legendary Map Pack takes you on a journey through the history of Halo.
Now normally I don't go for the remakes of maps such as that remake of blood gultch and battle creek you find in Halo 2. The reason why is that they look exactly the same except that it looks like the programers just put it through Microsoft Paint. Avalanche is a remake of the map Sidewinder, one of the best maps on the first Halo. However, it is looks like Ty Pennington came in and went crazy on it. The map is recognizable by certain distinguishable features, such as the bridge and the entrances to the bases. Amazingly it retains all of Sidewinder's glory. Supports all vehicles.

Blackout is a remake of the map, Lockout, from Halo 2. This time, instead of being located on a Forerunner structure, it is located on an oil rig in Antarctica. Not as glorious as Avalache. This is because while it really isn't very recognizable, it is pretty much the same thing. Yet if you edit the map and put some sheild doors here, a mongoose there, maybe a ghost and a double box here, then five stars. There are some features such as the basketball hoop that make the environment wonderful. Also the grav lifits have been replaced with high-powered fans. Supported Vehicles are: Mongooses and Ghosts.

The Map pack also comes with a new feature to use only on these three maps. You can change the camera style to things like vintage and black and white as well as about four other types. If you are short on money I don't suggest getting them now. I did and when i found out that they would eventually be free, I regretted it. Here's my rating: *****
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