Star Wars VS Eragon ( The Movie Not The Book)
Get Committed
Disturbed's new album, Asylum, hit stores on August 31,2010. Fans could choose from the standard edition at $15.00 or the Limited edition at $20.00. The limited edition in the stores came with 2 bonus tracks, live versions of "Stricken" and "Down With the Sickness", as well as bonus dvd. The DVD had on it an hour long documentary, A Decade Of Disturbed, and several tutorials on how to play some of the group's songs. The iTunes version of the Limited edition contained only two tutorials and no documentary. However, did contain an extra bonus track, "Leave It Alone". Getting the iTunes version might be the better idea if you don't care about having an actual CD because it is like going back to Ten Thousand Fists where you have thirteen new songs and one remake.
The album as a whole was great. It is proof that Disturbed's music is continuing to evolve. I especially impressed from the way "Remnants" flowed into into the album's cover song, "Asylum". I am a huge Boston fan so this reminded me of the album, Third Stage. I'd like to see Disturbed do this in the future. The least mind-blowing track on this album is "Warrior". Maybe this is just me but seeing as how we just had "Indestructable" on the last album. Even so "Warrior" does stand apart from "Indestructable" in a good many ways. Where as "Indestructable had an air that mirrored the human nature to fight and wage war, the stance taken in "Warrior" seems to be from a percent who actually delights in war. With this in mind, it is not so surprising that someone has already made and AMV combining this song with the anime, Helsing.
Probably the most profound song in this album is "Never Again". Everyone should no by now that the lead singer of Disturbed is Jewish, although he denies being religious. Religious or not, anyone with that lineage is going to revere the holocost. How can you not be jewish and not get angry when someone treats it as a trivial matter or even says(And this does happen people) that there never was a holocost. For those of us who can't understand this anger, think about when someone told you that 9/11 never happened. Now combine that with the fact that Washington wants to let the Muslims build a mosque on Ground Zero. (Before I go any further, I would like to make it clear that I harbor no hatred for Islamic People in general, I just think that it would be extremely innapropriate and inconsiderate to build a mosque on that specific spot.) The song "Never Again" is Draiman striking back at those who take away from the significance of the Holocost. the below video is the song "Never Again."